Arranmore Group With Rez Rights
Click the Join Group Sign @ the TP Point to join the Arranmore Group, once clicked you will get a link to join in local chat,
to open local chat press Ctrl+H & Click Arranmore to join.
joining gives object rez rights, please read below :)
Arranmore has a one off group join fee of 175 lindens. I have had to put this in place, as open rez attracts way to many trolls and griefers, which ruin the experience for everyone.
Joining this group allows rezz of objects (Not Permanent) ideal for photographers & bloggers, & also those, wanting to rez small items to use while visiting. More importantly, the cost to join $$, goes to help pay monthly tier & keep Arranmore alive, I appreciate all that join. Thank you and enjoy :)
PS: Please take items back to your inventory once finished with, as any prims left will be returned daily, thanks :)
Lauren Bentham ღ
The main reason for the group with rez rights is for bloggers & photographers, however anyone can rez small items while visiting, but NO weapons, huge items, high prim items, sex objects or push objects.
In fact, anything, that griefs or disturbs others will be classed as abusing rez rights.
ANYONE found abusing rez rights WILL be banned from the group and Arranmore permanently.
Arranmore Flashlight
You will have been offered the free Arranmore Flashlight upon arrival, if you missed it, click the one on the Station Platform, just in front of you at the tp point.
This flashlight will work, and cast light just like a real flashlight, if advanced lighting is set in your graphics preferences. BUT, however, to see it work how it should and project light like a real flashlight, you MUST set the following in graphics preferences :
Enable Advanced Lighting,
Enable Ambient Occlusion,
Under Shadows, Set Sun/Moon + Projectors.
Some computers may run slow and not be able to handle these settings, but if you can, you will have a great experience.
Arranmore is a fictional sim created from my imagination, but the name Arranmore is actually an island off the west coast of County Donegal, Ireland.
Arranmore Backstory
The island of Arranmore, is today, a sleepy, almost deserted island, but was once a thriving community, small, but very active. The fishing port was the main source of income for the islanders, but they also relied heavily upon the investment from Lord & Lady Inman, who were the owners of the large manor house in the centre of the island. Many years ago, Lord & Lady Inman, along with their 2 children, took a holiday, and seemed to vanish off the face of the earth. To this day, no-one knows why, or what happened to them. This was a heavy blow to the community, who relied on Lord Inmans investments, and slowly, over the years, Arranmore fell into decline. Today, it has a handful of die hard residents who remain, but little is seen of them. Strange things began to happen on the island, which seemed to drive many people away. So, here we are today, still a beautiful and scenic island, but with few inhabitants. A manor house, that has not been lived in for years, and what seems like a dark, eerie cloud, hanging over the island......
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